
As per usual, the above word can draw many pictures in theminds of those it is spoken to. We think of everything from the security guardwe see every day in the mall we frequent, to our friends and family who spendtheir lives working towards the pot of gold they call security for their lovedones because of the all too common belief, no matter what might happen, the money stored up can provide thesense of safety they need.
Considering I am currently in a place where no malls exist,and my unemployment leads me to have no incoming pennies to store into my ‘potof gold’ for the unexpected, we can agree that my idea of security is comingfrom another image.
Opening the door to his new home with many happy volunteers
and excited members of the community watching this amazing
moment! Check out Live Different on Facebook for more
pictures from their Hero Holidays.
While in the Dominican Republic we; being my wonderfulhusband, a handful of amazing world changers and myself, are leading teams ofyouth to grow their perspective of the world and participate in a life changingten days where they get to contribute to building a home for a deservingfamily. The entire experience leads up the always-emotional moment of handingover the keys of the home to the family. All the sweat, tears, awkward momentssince you don’t speak the same language, relationship-building, and heartchanging moments find their climax when the family stands in front of theirhome on dedication day and, with the keys passed on from a Live Differentvolunteer to the family, they unlock the door of their new home for the veryfirst time. Thinking about this moment gives me shivers and makes me smile sobig due to the sheer amount of 'epic' involved in this exact moment. For most of these families thisdoor is the first door they have ever had that can be locked.
Can you imagine never having a door that can lock on yourhome? Picture living in a less than ideal neighbourhood; the power goes out atnight, you live in a home with a door that shuts but does not lock. There is no lock on thedoor, the windows—anything can happen. Praying for protection is your security.
Our second house build site this summer for my husband and I gave this security to a man whoworks as a security guard at the most high end resort in the DominicanRepublic. How perplexing to think of a security guard who raised four sons onhis own and didn’t have this one basic means of security for his family-- untilthis exact moment.

To get to our third build site we would walk past the home ofthe security guard and the three sons that currently live with him. I have twofavourite scenes to lay eyes on as I pass by: While they are home the door isleft open (as is common in Neuvo Renacer) and I often see the father in thekitchen, cooking away. He looks so pleased—happiness bursting inside butescaping to the outside world in the form of a content gentlemen working away.The next scene is that of the door closed and locked. No one is home, it’squiet inside, and standing guard is a white door—locked and providing thesecurity we often take for granted.
The happy family before opening the door to their new home!

The Angry Humanitarian


Where You Least Expect It