Life Coaching ✨ Life Coaching ✨

Life Coaching ✨ Life Coaching ✨

Coaching is partnering with you in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential. You’ll move from where you’re at, to where you want to be.

Learn more about Life Coaching below.

About Life Coaching

Coaching is a beautiful, forward-thinking creation conversation; we aren’t here to fix anything, we are here to create, maximize potential, uncover roadblocks, and get you moving confidently forward toward your dreams, your visions, and your goals, and unlock your full potential.

Would you love a partner to work with you to get to a place where you truly feel like you are enough just the way you are, to feel a grounded sense of identity and be okay even when life is unpredictable, and to feel safe to be authentically you?

As your Life Coach, I will walk with you in your personal journey as you venture down new paths, climb new mountains, and shed the weight of expectations, doubts and subconscious beliefs. I blend transformative coaching with personal experience mentoring, intuitive guidance and powerful questioning to see change root and shine from the inside out. Your success and wellbeing is what fuels me as your coach. My role is to bring out your best and to provide ongoing support for your personal and professional development and achievement.

As your Life Coach, I will assist you to go from where you are in life, to where you want to go; working with you to become who you want to be, have what you want to have, and do what you want to do.

Are you ready…?

✨ Are you ready to come to the place where you feel aligned with your passions, where you’re actively engaged in your faith, and making mindful health decisions?

✨ Are you ready to begin to work through the years of negativity to self you’ve consciously and subconsciously been fuelling your thought patterns with?

✨ Are you ready to set aside time to be intentional– with your gratitude practice, the messages you send yourself, the environment you spend time in, and the way you nourish your spiritual health?

✨Are you ready to unlock your potential and wholeheartedly show up to your beautiful life?

If you’ve answered “yes!” to any of the questions above, life coaching might be a great fit for you!

What is Life Coaching like?

Life Coaching gets you thinking creatively, answering honestly, and digging under the rocks often left unturned had you been trying to get yourself moving forward on your own, or had someone else just been giving you advice. Each 1:1 transformative session is designed to cater to your specific needs.

Each time we meet, we begin with a grounding practice of breathwork and a check-in of mind, body, and soul to help us be present and tune into our deep, intuitive knowing.

From there, you are given an open floor to share about what is happening in your life. You can share absolutely anything you want as each session is tailored to you and what you bring forward. From what is shared, we create a focus statement and determine the goals for the day’s session.

As your Life Coach, I am here to listen well and ask you powerful, transformative and intuitive questions to move you from where you’re at, to where you want to go…

✨ We will work to uncover roadblocks preventing you from moving forward towards the life you can envision yourself living.

✨ You will be given a safe space to be honest, to dig deep, and to authentically discover new parts of yourself you’ve been hiding away.

✨ You will shed the weight of expectations and self-doubt.

✨ You will be provided with powerful questioning to view your situations in new and unique ways to aid in the moving forward process.

✨ You will discover that you are already complete and whole, and possess what you need to make your dreams a reality.

✨ We will create action steps to get you actively moving forward with confidence!

The session ends in with another check-in where we take note of how you are leaving; self-actualized with a deeper awareness and understanding of self, finding a sense of acceptance for where you’re at, and feeling free and empowered to move forward.

As we work together for a season we will implement gratitude and self-love practices to renew and rewire your mind for positivity and you will have your very own personal coach, mentor and cheerleader encouraging you as we walk together side by side.

  • Here's what Theresa has to say about Life Coaching

    “Aelea was such an amazing gift to me! She really took the time to listen to me and guide me, so that I could discover what was limiting me in my life and my relationships. I felt supported and gained clarity in the direction I needed to go. She provided a space where it was so easy to open up and trust her. I loved working with you Aelea! Thank you for making such a difference for me!

What’s included

Foundation Workbook

A Foundation Workbook of exploratory questions to be completed before we begin our program. This will be the groundwork of viewing your beliefs, your dreams, and where you’d like to see yourself. This ensures we begin the program with a deep knowledge of where you are currently at.

1 Follow Up Session

This 60 minute Follow Up Session can be used at your convenience up to 3-months after the completion of your program. Perfect for working through unexpected road blocks, encouragement, and to keep you moving forward.

1 Intro Session

During this 30 minute Introduction Session we review key points from your Foundation Workbook and have some fun getting to know each other to build a relationship where honesty can thrive in the program.

Unlimited Support

Unlimited support for when you have a breakthrough and want to share, when you need some encouragement, or for any other support between sessions. Available via Email, WhatsApp, or Voxer.

12 Transformative Coaching Sessions

Our sessions will be weekly for 12 consecutive weeks. During each 60 minute session we will dig deep, see beautiful growth, and will notice major shifts happen both during our time together and in the ripple effect of time between sessions.

Gratitude Challenge + resources

Gratitude Challenge to be completed throughout the program to shift your mindset and begin each day with positivity.

Plus all additional program resources including Inspiring Spaces Worksheet, Creative Outlet Challenge, Social Media Detox, the Tree Pose Challenge, and more as tailored to you!

  • Life Coaching is for any person ready to move forward in their life with the capacity to make change and follow through.

    Would you love a partner to work with you to get to a place where you truly feel like you are enough just the way you are, to feel a grounded sense of identity and be okay even when life is unpredictable, and to feel safe to be authentically you?

    If you’ve answered a resounding ‘Yes’ to the question above, chances are we’ve experienced similar moments on our paths…

    • A complete lack of self-confidence

    • No goals or vision-powered dreams to chase

    • Seasons where the mantra ‘bloom where you’re planted’ have kept you going

    • Craving the guidance of God in life and feeling ‘stuck’ in spiritual growth

    • Physically run-down with injuries preventing you from doing the things you love

    • Realizing your lack of authenticity with those you have relationships with

    • Brought to tears in the yoga hot room because trying your best was proving to not be good enough…

    I am so excited to tell you these moments can become your history and you can begin to live in a future full of love and light.

  • While the initial value of Life Coaching in one’s life will vary depending on what they are looking for, the practice itself has many benefits that may include:

    • A sense of connection. Having someone to share your life (thoughts, ideas, struggles, joys, experiences) with can make you feel less isolated and alone.

    • Feeling supported and encouraged. Having someone in your corner who sees your growth, can connect the dots between sessions to notice patterns and encourages you along your journey, and supports you.

    • A greater sense of self-actualization and self awareness. Greater self-awareness. Noticing your thoughts, emotions, and responses in a safe space can grow your self-awareness to understand more about you.

    • The ability to stay connected and focus to a bigger goal or vision in life that becomes the place you fuel your decision making from.

    • The confidence to move forward. We aren't here to stew on the past-- we are here to move forward!

    • Take-away tools. After sessions of Life Coaching, you may be given resources and tools to implement between sessions, filling your tool belt with skills that become supportive systems and tools you reach for in daily life.

    • Living with a sense of purpose and validation that your life and experience, your goals and visions, matter.

    • Self-acceptance. Your life is unique. There is no shame in being who you are and where you find yourself on your journey. You’ll find a safe, judgment-free and loving space to be exactly who you are

    • Each individual who has sought out Life Coaching would most likely have something else to add to this list based on their own experience of why they began meeting with a Life Coach.

  • The 12-week session package described above is available at a rate of $900.

    This package includes everything mentioned above, plus customized worksheets and workbooks based on your unique needs and challenges.

  • If the 12-week program is not best suited to you right now, there are two additional options:

    One-Time Intensive:

    • We will meet up for 90 - 120 minutes.

    • This session includes a 30-day Gratitude Challenge workbook that I give to all of my clients, as well as Reprocessing Subconscious Beliefs worksheet which is yours to keep and use as needed.

    • Available for a rate of $200

    4-Week Session Package:

    • 4 x 60-75 minute sessions. We would meet weekly for 4 consecutive weeks.

    • This package includes the 30-day Gratitude Challenge workbook, the Reprocessing Subconscious Beliefs worksheet, and a Uncover and Discover your Why workbook.

    • Available for a rate of $400

  • Life Coaching vs Spiritual Direction

    I was once asked if spiritual direction was like life coaching but with Jesus. It was a great question since both life coaching and spiritual direction use questions as the foundation of the practice.

    Life coaching is the practice of powerful questioning to help an individual feel empowered to move forward towards the life they desire to live. A life coach will often work with someone who is discovering a sense of desiring something more for their life, or who knows they want more for their life but they aren’t quite sure how to move forward. A life coach helps their client uncover what is holding them back, and asks them powerful questions to help them feel confident to move forward into the life they desire. A coach will often work with someone for a shorter period of 3 to 6 months.

    In life coaching, your life coach may also have moments of mentorship where, with the permission of the person they are coaching, they can share from their own lived experience if they think sharing will be helpful.

    Spiritual direction is also question based but instead of getting a person to move forward, we help the person more fully notice their current experience to see where they may be sensing the spirit. Often the practice of awareness in a session impacts how a directee notices the spirit in their daily lives, which is a powerful tool.

    In spiritual direction, aside from introducing a directee to spiritual disciplines or practices during a session, which they may enjoy as tools during their own time, a spiritual director does not share of their own experience. We understand that people’s own unique lived experiences mean that while we may feel we can relate based on what has been shared, each person lives unique lives and our relating may dim the experience of the directee.

    Each of these modalities has their place. For healing from past trauma and working through current trials, therapy and counselling is the most beneficial. If you’re feeling like you desire more from life, or have goals but aren’t sure why you can’t seem to move forward, life coaching would be beneficial. If you’re looking to deepen your faith, spiritual direction can offer the safe space to explore and grow. One does not replace the other, and all offerings has an appropriate place in your life.


Let’s dream together

Interested in Life Coaching? Fill out some information and I’ll be in touch to set up a little ‘meet and greet’ where we’ll connect for about 15-20 minutes to chat about Life Coaching and see if we would make a great fit!

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