Living a Note-Worthy Life.

Oh the fresh pages of a new notebook.

So lovely—so untouched, completely available to be taken inthe direction of your choosing and ready, hoping, to be used for something ofthe greater good.
I have this thing where I always carry a notebook with me. Ihave even been known to write on sticky notes, and then stick the sticky noteto my cell phone! There’s something about the classic style of pen and paperthat calls out and infects you with inspiration. And needless to say, I don’treally use my iPhone’s “Notebook” feature to its full potential.
While in the Dominican Republic this summer, I had theopportunity of working alongside three lovely ladies. We all enjoy stationaryperhaps a tidbit too much so when adorable “No Stress” notebooks wereintroduced to a couple of the ladies on a shopping trip, it became a “we allneed matching notebooks!” scenario. They were even all sneaky about it—askingme which one I liked without me even knowing they were going to get me one.

From L to R: myself, Carina, Joy & Kelly. Notebook buddies!

Kelly & Carina 1 - Aelea 0

Aside from the beautiful goodbye letters written by Kellyand Carina to me in this notebook, it was left untouched until recently. Onemain reason is that a notebook such as this, with its history of love andsurprise, needs to be used for something special. Not just any old rambling anddoodling, but something of meaning and as world changing as the lovely ladieswho bought the notebook as a gift.
The contents of this notebook now contain notes from theepic and life-changing book “Godspeed” by Britt Merrick.
Godspeed is about living out Christ’s mission right now.It’s filled with brilliant information regarding what our mission is, where ourmission field is (anywhere and everywhere) and how we can actively share thegospel in proclamation and demonstration each and every day of our lives.  It uses stories from the Bible, BrittMerricks own life (most of which involve his daughter Daisy and her battle withcancer) and the stories of those he knows personally or who have shared on awebsite dedicated to sharing stories at
When I arrived at the very first portion of the book Ideemed necessary to make a point of remembering I had the thought of “should Ihighlight this book, or should I take notes?”. Highlighting passages in an actualbook is a very foreign concept to me. I don’t know if, to this day, I have everdone such a thing other than possibly in a textbook in college. In my short 25years of life, highlighting a book doesn’t seem to be a thing I do. Call me oldfashioned, but I like to keep a book in pristine condition. I also don’t likeswaying an individual’s perception—imagine myself lending this book to someoneall marked up? They would immediately know my revelations and I would dislikefor my points of high importance to influence what really speaks to them. Highlightingwas out, taking notes was in—The ‘No Stress’ notebook has found its time toshine.
The very first noteworthy passage is a quote I have come toabsolutely love;

“Yes, God calls us to relieve suffering and bring aboutjustice- absolutely. But God and His glory must be the driving force for thismission, not the plight of humanity.”

This quote was life changing. As a self-describedhumanitarian who is dedicated to living a life serving others, this concept inplain wording made my heart feel challenged and excited about pursuing Christmore in the way I help people.
Page after page of Godspeed was noteworthy. I almost feltlike I could just re-write the entire book. Have you ever read a book likethat? Where you feel every passage is a golden nugget you need to remember?Where the turn of every page reveals even more revelations and things that justmake you think? Welcome to Godspeed.
Some of my favourite notes that I find worth sharing withyou (as they may change your life, inspire you, and encourage you to read thebook!) are as follows:
  • Expect great things from God; Attempt great things for God.

  • Look at the purpose for which Christ called you: He can useyour life, your gifts, your talents, your occupation, your likes, and yourpreferences, even your flaws- the person He made you to be- to bear fruit forHis kingdom. God has chosen you to bear fruit for His glory in this world!

  • The less opportunity we have to talk about Jesus, the moreopportunity we have to be like Jesus!

  • Now more than ever, compassion is in fashion.

  • God is strategic. And we need to begin to see ourselves asstrategically sent by God to our present time, place, context and people. Weare God’s mission strategy.

  • Every time the Bible mentions prayer, it talks about people,situations, circumstances, forces of wickedness and their influence, cities andeven nations Changing!

  • The more we pray, the more we gain the heart of God for theworld!

These are just a FEW tidbits from the book. Some of thesequotes left me feeling inspired as I wrote them down, others made me think andquestion my actions and others I was left feeling like ‘whoa’ (insertCompassion is in fashion and the passages that followed). I just finished thebook and re-reading the notes makes me want to read the book again. My finalnote from the book is this:
"We can do so much more than we even realize."

Let that thought sink in and really think about your life;your current situations, where you live and work, those you interact with on adaily basis, the dreams you have and the things you can see yourself doing inthe future. All these things, when partnered with prayer, can lead you to aplace of furthering God’s kingdom in ways bigger than you could ever imagine.God has bigger plans for you than you could ever have for yourself. Take sometime to pray and seek for your next step. Find a notebook and write down whatyou feel God calling you to do. What your next steps are might seem small butthey will lead to great things! Put those steps into action and continue to seewhat is next!
God’s plan for your life is a page-turner of a book thatwill leave others filling pages of notes and wanting to re-read again andagain. God is waiting—you are guaranteed to live a life that is note-worthy. 
Pages and pages of notes!

What books have been especially note-worthy to you and why?


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