
My love for reading began at ayoung age. My earliest memory of reading was when our basement was at risk forflooding… I slept in the living room since my my bedroom was in the basement, and Iwould read Bible stories before bed. When I was a young girl I recall reading aseries of books about a girl named Mandie who had a cute white cat named Snowballand together they would solve mysteries. As I progressed into my teenage yearsit was mostly fantasy books that drew me in—books like The Princess Bride ornovels with a heroine who possessed magic. As I’ve transitioned into adulthoodI find myself enjoying a good variety of topics when I sit down to read. TheHunger Games series is one of my more recent favourites, as well as countlessbooks encouraging my faith to grow in love-centered ways. It’s no surprise,looking back on my reading background, I find the observation ofcomparing life and books to be so commonplace.
Most of us beginreading a book with the eager anticipation of knowing something incredible isgoing to happen. We know there are many things a lead character will face; manythings will be looked forward to, many extreme scenarios will come to pass, andmany things will happen that were less than ideal. This anticipation of what tocome normally hits once you’re a chapter in and hints of the impending drama have begun to set in. You read and read and keep reading because you literally can’twait to get to the part of the book where the action begins and the heroinefinds herself in the midst of unimaginable situations, doing things you’vebecome excited about, as you know the outcome will be a challenge and will leadthe heroine to an exciting resolve.
My life, as oflate, is similar to the anticipation stage of a book.
The stage has beenset, I’ve been introduced as the lead in the epic novel depicting my currentphase of life (I believe all of us should know our lives have the potential tobe the most epic novel we could ever imagine) and now…
I wait.
I wait for theadventure to begin (or, in my case, the next adventure).
Anyone that knowsme will agree I am someone who likes excitement—I like when something fun ishappening, when an adventure is right over the horizon, and when I can wake upin the morning fired up for the days’ events. While some may find boredom inwaiting, and the idea of being in stand by somewhat lack-luster, I am finding the anticipation of what the next few months will holdenough to keep me energized and looking forward to the beginning and end ofeach day.
In the next fewmonths I will be embarking to Thailand once again! I am beyond excited toreturn to the children’s home with Live Different. The time spent in Thailand in 2012 completely changed my life and, needless to say, I am looking forwardto another experience of heart-changing moments for myself, the team of amazingvolunteers, and the children and youth we work with. And, needless to say, thistopic will soon bring about an entire blog post for itself.
One of my bestfriends is getting married! Her and I met through our significant others, as theywere good friends who lived together. Our friendship was quick and we got along so well it’s really no surprise we are good friends to this day. I amlooking forward to being in her bridal party and giving a speech on her bigday!
Image courtesy of Pinterest
In general I am anticipatingthe romantic ideals of summer in the city. Café’s where you can sit outside andenjoy the company of those around you, or the friends you have made in the bookyou are currently invested in. Going for ice cream (which I don’t really do,but want to) and enjoying the warm setting sun on your bare shoulders; brightlycoloured lipstick, flowers, and finally running outside again!
There are also two thingsI am most looking forward to:
The first is seeing my wonderful husband playshows. He is a talented musician and seeing him pursue his passions is the mostencouraging. 
The second thing is the encouragement which comes from longbonfire nights with friends and perhaps too many toasted marshmallows. The conversations sharedover the fire late into the night are sometimes magical in their aftereffect.

Knowing these days are in the future allow me to cease each current day, searching out it’s ownbeautiful simplicity to view as momentary extravagance worth celebrating. Eachday is handmade to be amazing, and it’s up to us to view and experience it assuch. Live your life as the main character being poised for the greatness thatoccurs when an epic story unfolds and you conquer the challenges that create somethingspecial and unique in who you are.
Again, thanks Pinterest.

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