Making BIG Decisions

Styling of macarons by Ashley Nicole, macarons
(all except one flavour) baked by me :)
Making decisions can be tough.
It doesn’t matter if it’s thedecision of where to eat, or the decision to move to another country, somethings can be so hard to decide.
Generally, if I’m having adifficult time making a decision, it’s probably because I’m genuinelyindifferent about what the result of the decision will be. I think part of theindifference comes from surrounding myself with people I am close with. If Iwere with friends I am becoming acquainted with, I would perhaps have more of asay in things—show my likes and dislikes more so we get to know each other’spreferences. However, more often than not, I’m with good people where decisionsaren’t going to get crazy and I’ll be fine with any outcome. Welcome toadulthood.
While this indifference isdefinitely a good thing, and bestows upon me the title of being ‘easy going’ or‘super chill’, it still has its downside moments. People can think you aresomeone who can’t make decisions, who doesn’t care about anything, or someonewho is a pushover—especially if you’re with people you don’t know very well.Until those fleeting moments arrive where my voice in a matter needs to beheard, this girl is in chill mode.
Recently, my general indifferencewas met with a challenge—the necessity of making the biggest, most hard,decision I’ve ever had to make.
Upon moving back to Manitoba Ihad to seek out employment. While my radio past was eager to welcome me backwith wide-open arms, I wanted to continue my baking adventures. I began myprofessional baking career in Hamilton and I was dead set on continuing. Thisbrought it’s own challenges, the main one being that Winkler, Manitoba isn’treally a hot spot for gorgeously hand-crafted baked goods. Contrary tosuggestions from friends to open my own bakery, I wanted to get a job within analready established producer of edible delights—there is so much I want to learnfrom many talented people before I head out into the baking world completely onmy very own. If anything, my back up would be to do a bit of baking on the sideand get a job somewhere fun—like Bulk Barn. Oh what I would make with thatdiscount to ease the financial aspect of seeing my creativity come alive.
So, Winnipeg it was. Before ourmove back I began the job hunt. With perfect timing, my final class in schoolwas Communications where we worked on resumes, cover letters and portfolios.After sending away emails with my elegantly presented information on why variousbusinesses should hire me (even though none of them had posting saying theywere actually looking for new employees) I was met with a few conversations ofpossibilities and, eventually, I was down to two offers—both labeled “an offeryou can’t refuse”.
Well, I had to refuse one.
I had to accept one.
It was literally the hardestdecision.
Some Strawberries and Cream Macarons!
Has this happened to you? You’reoffered with two amazing things and you have to pick just one? It’s not an easydecision. Any sort of indifference you once had to things suddenly is gone andevery moment is spent debating the two options and trying to make an educateddecision.
I did everything I was supposedto do when faced with a potentially life (and career)-changing decision: Ithought about it, prayed about it, confided in close friends about the optionsavailable to seek out wisdom, made pro and con lists, made lists of goals andwhere I see myself in the future with points on which would best help me reachthem. Seriously, I did it all, and yet, when it came down to the crunch, I letmy heart guide me. Despite what others saw as an amazing opportunity and theobvious offer to not refuse, I had to do it. Sometimes the opportunity to learnand be a supporting actor in a journey is better than being the lead—even ifother people believe in you, and even knowing God is always there to help youalong whatever path you decide.
Whenever I was thinking of whichopportunity to take on, in my head an image would consistently come to mind andI knew I couldn’t ignore it… my heart was set on one place as my #1. When yourheart is set, even when an opportunity seems too good to pass up, you need tofollow your heart. Finances, jet-setting, and creative control aside, theopportunity to learn and grow with individuals who put out work you haveadmired for years is something no temporary workshop or experimenting onsomeone else’s dime can compete with.
It’s been over a month now and Iam consistently happy with my decision. While it was hard, and while it seemskind of crazy to those who knew the opportunities I was faced with, I know itwas the right decision. God puts dreams and passions in your heart for areason. When my wonderful husband and I first decided to move back to Winkler,I recall my first thoughts being, since we would be living in Winkler, I wouldwant to work in Winnipeg at Jenna Rae Cakes and start taking blogging moreseriously.
Well, welcome to my life.
Having a gut reaction from thebeginning can make a huge difference in how you approach any big decisionmaking process. Even if you do all the right things, your heart can still havethe ultimate say—even if it’s in more of an ‘I told you so’ kind of way. Inmoments like these I praise God for always having my best interest in mind, andfor allowing me to feel His nudge in what I do. Without Him, I may have allowedworldly logic to win out and I wouldn’t be where I am today. And today, I’mright where I should be.



