Inventive Hopsitality

I think most people have a favouriteversion of the Bible. When you’re doing your devotions, reading throughscripture in church, or just browsing through the Bible in your down time,there’s probably a preferred version you keep handy for these moments.For myself, I’m a big fan of the New Living Translation. I find it easy toread, understand, and more verses ‘stick out’ to me when I’m browsing.
Lately, however, I’ve been intrigued by‘The Message’ version of the Bible. It’s simplicity, while still getting acrossthe point of what scripture is saying, makes it easy to read and relate to. It almost feels like I am reading a novel—easily captivatingwhile leaving me eager to read more.
The most recent devotion I'm working through isby She Reads Truth and the topic is Prayer. Each day you are provided withscripture to discover, supplemented with a few paragraphs to read to really drivehome the significance of the passages. The day laid out before me a few days ago had a simple verse with the following information to supplement; memorizethe verse you’re about to read. 
The verses picked were Romans 12:11-13:
I’m sure we’ve all had those moments;you’re reading through a section of the Bible (or really any book in general)and BAM! Out of seemingly nowhere a phrase, sentence or passage just stands outto you. You can’t help yourself, you just need to read it again and again, thenthink about it, and then read it in another version for added impact and education.
“When God’s people are in need, be ready tohelp them. 
Always be eager to practice hospitality” 
Romans 12:13 NLT
I found both versions of Romans 12:13 to beeducational, impactful and inspiring. I couldn’t stop thinking about the conceptof inventive hospitality. Something about recreating our original conceptionsof hospitality to have a greater impact on those around us isstriking and consuming—it’s like the high-hope anticipation of a pretty new diamond, hiding in the box before being presented-- excitedly waiting to be brought to life bysomeone willing to wear it and showcase the love that gave the ring purpose. The diamond had a purpose, it's destiny awaits it, but the love behind it makes it all the more amazing and captivating. 
I wanted to examine my ideas of hospitality and how we can reinvent ouractions when trying to live out such a word full of meaning.
When I think of hospitality I generallythink of my time waitressing—a brief 6-month transitional period where Ilearned a lot about what I didn’t like doing, and I learned to rely on God toget through a day. Waitressing was all about serving the customer to theabsolute best of your ability. No matter what you had to be attentive,friendly, considerate, do everything right, apologize profusely if anything didgo wrong (even if it wasn’t your fault, and even if it was something as simpleas it being a busy time and the food taking longer than what the customerdeemed acceptable for their meal), and be all this and more that to every single person you are interacting with for yourentire shift. Insert exhausted emoji here.
With this slightly skewed perspective onhospitality from a job I didn’t love, I felt the need to look up an actualdefinition of hospitality:
The quality or disposition of receiving and treating guests and strangers in a warm, friendly, generous way.
There are generic wayswe live out the definition of hospitality with those around us. Generally speaking, we will be polite with those around us, smile, ask pleasant questionsand listen to a response to make 'small talk'. Maybe you take your kindness one step further and let someone else goahead of you in line at a coffee shop. Maybe you buy a round of drinks when meetingnew friends. You’re being warm and friendly, being generous and kind.  
You’re doingall the right things. 
You are the walking definition of hospitality.
But we don't want to just act out the description in a dictionary, we are called to redesign the definition. The Bible instructs us to envision new and inventive ways toshowcase this hospitality above the social norms of society. AsChristians, we should be living out hospitality so over-the-top that when people find out we are interacting with strangers, they are completely blown away!
How do you normallytreat strangers warmly? If it is normally with a smile why not say ‘hello’? It’s small andit’s simple, but more importantly, it’s unexpected. That’s what being inventiveis all about! How are you friendlyto strangers? Opening a door for someone, letting someone go before you inline, the same 'warm' smile on the street as you pass by? Step it up just onenotch—hold the door open and say something like ‘hope you have a wonderfulday!’

Generosity is probablythe ideal I am most excited about. Being generous isn’t just about money,although that is often the most common representation. A friend recentlyasked me to create a cake for her very last minute. Normally I say no to last-minute inquiries, butthis time, after thinking about what I had been learning, I said yes! I was generous with my time and resources andshe was so thankful! Generosity comes in many forms. Time is somethingwe will never get back so, realistically, this is probably our most preciousresource. Giving our time to someone is probably the most inventive way to exhibit this God-breathed perspective of hospitality!
I'd like to challenge you to go above and beyond in your interactions with those around you this week-- take a few moments to asses your approach to hospitality and come up with new and unexpected ways to show your warmth, friendliness and generosity. It will be life changing for you and those you are interacting with. I'd say trust me, but really, trust the Bible-- God knows best and he's going to guide you!

I Don't Need Saving

