FEATURED: Prairie Love Festival 2018

I am so excited to be leading a Speakeasy Workshop at Prairie Love Festival this year!

When I first became a life coach, I knew I wanted the opportunity to work with people in both 1:1 coaching situations, but also in group sessions where I allowed a group the space to sit, reflect, and be challenged by questions that help them reframe their current ideas or dive deep into what truths they are holding close that may, or may not be, serving them.

When I finished my training, I dreamed of one day leading a workshop at Prairie Love Festival. Prairie Love Festival has become my little safe space to reconnect with myself, to move my body and rest my mind, and to recharge after what always happens to be a busy summer. Prairie Love Festival brings out some amazingly talented yoga instructors and other wonderful teachers who are always full of knowledge, passion, authenticity and grit-- the things we all crave so deeply in our connections and those we look to for guidance and insight. 

The workshop I will be guiding is called "Reclaiming Self-Love and Self-Care in a Selfie Society".

Yes, leave it to me to create a long title filled with alliteration!

When I was first praying for ideas about what kind of workshop I'd like to present to the creators of Prairie Love Festival to review, this was the very first topic that sprang to mind. The initial idea of "self-love in a selfie society" was jotted quickly in my notes with the phrases "giving and serving others brings joy, self-love doesn't mean being selfish, and reforming your idea of self-love and self-care". Later on, I opened up a document and began working through what I wanted the workshop to hold. The questions flowed, the description came so freely, and I knew this would be a topic worth exploring more in-depth with those I trusted to share my concept with before submitting it to the festival.

When I was offered to teach this specific workshop, I was overjoyed. Not only was this the first idea that came to me, it was the idea I had the most bones already laid out for due to sheer excitement and inspiration. To learn more about the workshop, you can visit the Prairie Love Festival blog, where I wrote a piece explaining more about the topic and what to expect during our session together on Sunday morning.

If you haven't purchased your ticket to the festival yet, use code AELEA10 to receive 10% off your purchase! Tickets are available for single sessions, single days, two days and the full weekend. This is my favourite weekend of the entire summer and resets my priorities, goals and focus for the rest of the year.

Join me this year at Prairie Love Festival. I am so excited for you to experience this beautiful weekend.


Yoga Teacher, Gospel Preacher


Move Mountains