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From Soul Nourishing Resources, to Event Re-Caps, Musings, Teachings, and more, The Blog is an abundant source of inspiration and information for you to explore.

Yoga Teacher, Gospel Preacher
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Yoga Teacher, Gospel Preacher

"You're a yoga teacher, gospel preacher."

Those were the words spoken to us during our 'graduation' on our final night of immersion week as part of our 225 hour Holy Yoga teacher certification. Before that declaration was a stream of words spoken by one of our leaders that only God knew would reach the depths of each of our hearts as the words articulated the truths we most needed to hear, the encouragement to stay the path once returning home, and the confidence to stand in the truth of who we are even when we so often forget. Each member of my small group had a different divinely inspired word spoke over them and mine was just as special and unique as each of the others...

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Move Mountains

Move Mountains

If you have faith even the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains.

This thought came streaming through my mind as I watched the mountains grow bigger and bigger before my eyes. Travelling through the Canadian Rockies was a first for me, and as I sat in the back seat on our way to the coast, I took in their grandiose nature.

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My Thoughts on Yoga + Jesus

My Thoughts on Yoga + Jesus

When you say the universe, I hear Jesus.

When you say the divine within, I hear the Holy Spirit.

When you say you are equipped with everything you need, that you are meant to be in this moment, that this is exactly where you need to be, I hear that with God nothing is impossible, that we are all called to bloom where we are planted, that no matter where I am, I can live out a purpose bigger than I am.

Yoga has become a somewhat controversial topic in the realms of spirituality-- especially for Christians. For years I’ve been hearing about how ‘Christians shouldn’t do yoga’ and while the list of things Christians should or shouldn’t do could go on and on and on (and can vary, depending who you talk to!), the state of our heart is at the root of what we should or shouldn’t do.

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Today I Weighed Myself
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Today I Weighed Myself

Today I weighed myself...

I haven't weighed myself in probably over two years. It's not something I take part in. From years of self-worth found in being skinny and continually telling the joke that "being skinny is all I had going for me" since I always felt there were always a million other girls a million times more beautiful than I, I came to a breaking moment where I knew the scale had to go. Not that I ever owned one, but when the temptation was around-- at a friends house or my parents-- I'd have to fight hard to stay away.

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Reclaiming Faith + Self-Care

I am beginning to dabble in the idea that my immature faith has caused me to deny myself self-love. That the continued message of living as a servant to others has led me to deny that I need time for me and that my time is only valuable when put towards the greater good-- that my value and worthiness comes strictly from my pursuit to put myself last and everything else first.

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