The Blog ✨ The Blog ✨T he Blog ✨ The Blog ✨
The Blog ✨ The Blog ✨T he Blog ✨ The Blog ✨
From Soul Nourishing Resources, to Event Re-Caps, Musings, Teachings, and more, The Blog is an abundant source of inspiration and information for you to explore.
A Gift of Spiritual Direction: Authenticity
A gift spiritual direction offers for the directee is a safe and brave place to be authentic…
Authenticity may be a big buzzword that gets tossed around often, but for directees whose faith is evolving, authenticity may be hard to come by.
Healing Through Words
I’ve never participated in lent.
Aside from remembering classmates talking about ‘giving up chocolate for lent’ during middle school, I really had no idea what the lenten season was about. The only context I had for it was ‘giving up something that you get back at Easter’.
On Letting Go...
I noticed my own invitation from God to let something go last week...
Quite some time again I had the idea for a breath prayer series: 4-5 weeks of virtual gathering where we would spend each week learning a different way to enter into breath prayer (scripture, our own desires, etc), talking about the physiology of the breath in the body, discuss breath in scripture, and engage in the practice of breath prayer.
Aligned + Designed Reflections
As with everything I create and put out into the world, I like to take time to sit in both the afterglow and the reality of a few days past to reflect on what unfolded. Reflecting on the logistics of how it all came together, reflecting on the day of happenings, reflecting on the marketing, the 'what could be better next time' and the 'what lessons have I learned?'.
The other night, while going to bed early, an annoying point of tension in my back had me feeling restless and, while trying to ignore it and get comfortable, a few words started to flow through my mind...
Soul Nourishing Practice: Praying Scripture
A quick Google search of ‘the benefits of praying scripture’ will bring you lists upon lists from people who have engaged in this practice and how found it to be beneficial. One of the ways praying scripture is beneficial is for the portion of Philippians 4:8 that says “...if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart].” When we pray through scripture, we are internalizing the living word of God in our minds and in our hearts.