The Blog ✨ The Blog ✨T he Blog ✨ The Blog ✨
The Blog ✨ The Blog ✨T he Blog ✨ The Blog ✨
From Soul Nourishing Resources, to Event Re-Caps, Musings, Teachings, and more, The Blog is an abundant source of inspiration and information for you to explore.
A Gift of Spiritual Direction: Authenticity
A gift spiritual direction offers for the directee is a safe and brave place to be authentic…
Authenticity may be a big buzzword that gets tossed around often, but for directees whose faith is evolving, authenticity may be hard to come by.
On Discovering my word for 2024
Discovering my word of the year is a combination of things:
reflection on the year that past
a draw to different themes
intuition or inspiration of the Spirit
the 'under the rock' thought process
This year, I found myself outside of a formal 'sit down and reflect on the year' moment with my favourite questions and set aside time. I couldn't sleep and was up around 4:30am with my journal, reading my psalm of the day, and then reflections on the year started to pour out. During this time, words started to emerge.
Moment by Moment
I can so clearly recall sitting in a session with my spiritual director as we talked about taking moments to come back to our awareness of God. During December 2020, instead of savouring my favourite season of the year, soaking in all the advent goodness I had planned for myself with study books, sharing the virtual Advent Soul Care Yoga Series, and planning the then annual (turned virtual) Christmas Yoga Experience, life had began to burst at the seams...
On Letting Go...
I noticed my own invitation from God to let something go last week...
Quite some time again I had the idea for a breath prayer series: 4-5 weeks of virtual gathering where we would spend each week learning a different way to enter into breath prayer (scripture, our own desires, etc), talking about the physiology of the breath in the body, discuss breath in scripture, and engage in the practice of breath prayer.
Holy Curiosity
There’s a phrase I was introduced to during spiritual direction training that I’ve come to love.
‘Holy curiosity’.
“Holy curiosity is about getting curious about what’s around you, assuming you know nothing, and allowing everything to be able to teach you something if you linger long enough.”