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The Blog ✨ The Blog ✨T he Blog ✨ The Blog ✨
From Soul Nourishing Resources, to Event Re-Caps, Musings, Teachings, and more, The Blog is an abundant source of inspiration and information for you to explore.
Easter Sunday Imaginative Prayer
An Imaginative Prayer Practice for Easter Sunday.
This imaginative prayer practices invites you to into the story of the women on Easter Sunday. Follow the instructions below to engage in a meaningful time of prayer.
Holy Saturday Imaginative Prayer
An Imaginative Prayer Practice for Holy Saturday
This imaginative prayer practices invites you to into the story of the women after Jesus' crucifixion. Follow the instructions below to engage in a meaningful time of prayer.
Palm Sunday Imaginative Prayer
An Imaginative Prayer Practice for Palm Sunday
This imaginative prayer practices invites you to into the story of Palm Sunday, the story where Jesus rides a donkey into Jerusalem. Follow the instructions below to engage in a meaningful time of prayer.
Energy Flows
I don’t recall the first time I heard about the 7-chakra system… probably because it wasn’t anything I found contrary to the kind of language about energy within the body that I had heard when I was growing up…
I grew up hearing the language of energy moving through the body. The energy within your body could be used to determine the percentage your organs were functioning at, the points at which your muscles needed an extra stretch, or how beneficial a herb could be for you. The phrase I heard most often was the idea of ‘using the body’s own electric signals to determine what’s happening in the body’. Energy was all around us and in us, and we could connect with it to heal our bodies naturally.
Who is Spiritual Direction for?
How do I know if I should see a spiritual director? Do I need to be at a certain point in my faith journey? Is it just for people new to faith? Or is it just for people who have been walking with God for a long time? Is there a tell-tale sign that spiritual direction is for me?