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The Blog ✨ The Blog ✨T he Blog ✨ The Blog ✨

From Soul Nourishing Resources, to Event Re-Caps, Musings, Teachings, and more, The Blog is an abundant source of inspiration and information for you to explore.

Prayers of Inspiration, Motivation and Execution
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Prayers of Inspiration, Motivation and Execution

Today as I left yoga in my super zen state of chill, contentment, joy & awareness, I began to pray...

I prayed for inspiration, but not just inspiration--
I prayed for execution-- the motivation and guidance to execute the inspiration that came my way.

All too often I pray prayers of blanket statements without really thinking about the rounded out outcome.

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Looking Out Windows
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Looking Out Windows

I love looking out windows.

From the warmth and safety of my indoor haven, the mystery and unknown of the outdoors is beautiful and almost surreal; I can't feel it's cold, I can't touch its edges, I can't become exposed to its very being.

Inside is safe.

Inside is comfortable.

Inside is where daydreams run wild and your heart longs for something more... to simply go outside.

To go outside is to live the adventure your soul tells you is out there, waiting to embrace you.

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Today I Weighed Myself
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Today I Weighed Myself

Today I weighed myself...

I haven't weighed myself in probably over two years. It's not something I take part in. From years of self-worth found in being skinny and continually telling the joke that "being skinny is all I had going for me" since I always felt there were always a million other girls a million times more beautiful than I, I came to a breaking moment where I knew the scale had to go. Not that I ever owned one, but when the temptation was around-- at a friends house or my parents-- I'd have to fight hard to stay away.

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Transparency is a beautiful thing. It’s something we search for and it’s rooted in our deepest desire to be fully known. Transparency is being honest, and vulnerable, and just totally you, and when you take the leap into transparency, you freely say you are who you are—no apologies, no take-backs, no regrets. This is it.

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Reclaiming Faith + Self-Care

I am beginning to dabble in the idea that my immature faith has caused me to deny myself self-love. That the continued message of living as a servant to others has led me to deny that I need time for me and that my time is only valuable when put towards the greater good-- that my value and worthiness comes strictly from my pursuit to put myself last and everything else first.

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