The Blog ✨ The Blog ✨T he Blog ✨ The Blog ✨
The Blog ✨ The Blog ✨T he Blog ✨ The Blog ✨
From Soul Nourishing Resources, to Event Re-Caps, Musings, Teachings, and more, The Blog is an abundant source of inspiration and information for you to explore.
Comparison Is The Thief of Joy
I had a moment recently where I needed to stop and check-in with myself.
Amidst new and exciting opportunities, pursuing personal projects, work and living life, I found myself unconsciously being caught up in comparison.
My Theme For 2018 : Radiate
When I chose the word and theme of Balance for 2017, it’s because it was something I knew I needed in my life. Anyone close to me who heard this as my intention echoed me with an outstanding YES!
Unfortunately, often what you need most can be the hardest thing to do.
Social Media Detox
Social Media. I absolutely love the endless potential and inspiration provided by social media– the ability to scroll through a feed and see images of beautiful styling, informative posts on any topic you find value in, and inspirational quotes reminding you that you are enough. Instagram, especially, has allowed a whole new genre of creative to take focus and find a creative outlet that can also put food on the table. If you’re someone who has a flair for colour palettes, a keen eye for detail, and a love for pleasing aesthetic, Instagram has provided endless creative opportunities. For me, especially, the beauty found on Instagram has fueled my creativity and allowed me to express and share my outlet with those around me– from photo styling to my blog.
Prayers of Inspiration, Motivation and Execution
Today as I left yoga in my super zen state of chill, contentment, joy & awareness, I began to pray...
I prayed for inspiration, but not just inspiration--
I prayed for execution-- the motivation and guidance to execute the inspiration that came my way.
All too often I pray prayers of blanket statements without really thinking about the rounded out outcome.
Looking Out Windows
I love looking out windows.
From the warmth and safety of my indoor haven, the mystery and unknown of the outdoors is beautiful and almost surreal; I can't feel it's cold, I can't touch its edges, I can't become exposed to its very being.
Inside is safe.
Inside is comfortable.
Inside is where daydreams run wild and your heart longs for something more... to simply go outside.
To go outside is to live the adventure your soul tells you is out there, waiting to embrace you.