The Blog ✨ The Blog ✨T he Blog ✨ The Blog ✨
The Blog ✨ The Blog ✨T he Blog ✨ The Blog ✨
From Soul Nourishing Resources, to Event Re-Caps, Musings, Teachings, and more, The Blog is an abundant source of inspiration and information for you to explore.

Lessons from a Month of Seeking Magic: Part 1
And so, August came and went…
During the month of August I searched for magic daily.
I went for a walk every single day (except for one travel day) and during these walks I would ask, ‘God, what feels like magic today?’. Each day I asked, and each day magic was revealed.

Prayer of Examen to Start a New Month
Reflecting on the past month through intentional questions, flipping through the pages of my Passion Planner and journal, and setting areas of focus for the next month, has become a ritual each new month would feel incomplete without.
If you follow me on Instagram, you’re probably familiar with seeing me cross out the words ‘improve on’ and write above ‘intentionally focus on’ as I complete the monthly reflection in my passion planner. Being intentional about how I spend my time (and the language I use to reflect and set into motion things for the upcoming days, weeks and month) is a key way to ensure I don’t get lost in time; thinking I have so much of it available or feeling like there isn’t any. It’s how I ensure my priorities are set and maintained and my time divvied up to all the places that matter most.

God WITH us (when life is messy)
A couple of weekends ago I had the privilege of hearing Kate Bowler speak.
How beautiful to hear someone speak so openly about hardship, grief, imperfection, and the general messiness of life.
So often we are told things like 'life is hard but we have Jesus'. I think when we hear that, we often interpret it as; 'life is hard but you should hide the hard bits or how it's impacting you because the only thing that matters is that you have Jesus and that trumps the very human experience you are having and you should focus on Jesus and not what you're going through.'

Soul Nourishing Practice: Visio Divina
“Creation speaks. It speaks elegantly. It "pours forth speech" of God. God ambushes people on riverbanks, mountaintops, in wilderness wasteland, whirlwinds, burning bushes and rushing winds. The house of God stretches from the view out my window to the edge of the universe and beyond. All we have to do to see it, suggests Barbara Brown Taylor in An Alter in the World, is to set a little altar in our heart where we reverence the handwork of the Creator. ” - From the Spiritual Disciplines Handbook by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun

The invitation for 2022
I’ve enjoyed the practice of leaning into a word or theme of the year for the past 7 years. Instead of setting specific goals for the year, I would set more generalized themes for the different areas of my life and then allow that to simmer down into one overarching theme. As time went on, the process changed and I found myself intentionally reflecting on the past year and praying about what the next year would hold while envisioning the kind of person I wanted to be when the calendar would flip once more to another year.