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The Blog ✨ The Blog ✨T he Blog ✨ The Blog ✨

From Soul Nourishing Resources, to Event Re-Caps, Musings, Teachings, and more, The Blog is an abundant source of inspiration and information for you to explore.

Lessons from a Month of Seeking Magic: Part 3

Lessons from a Month of Seeking Magic: Part 3

On the Sunday of the September long weekend I awoke to a perfectly chilly morning. The sun was shining and the thermostat in our house read ‘68ºF’. Considering everything is done in celsius, I genuinely have no idea what that means in a number I can make sense of, but I do know that 68ºF means cool and I was here for it.

A soft smile spread across my face as I opened the bedroom closet door and pulled out my cozy housecoat. I walked into the kitchen, feeling the chill in the air drifting in from the windows kiss my exposed skin, filled the kettle with water for my morning cup of tea, and looked out the kitchen window at the big tree in front of our house. Slowly the shade of green it has been most of summer is starting to lighten, allowing a shade of green with yellow undertones to begin to glow in the morning sunlight. My smile grew. What a delight.

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Lessons from a Month of Seeking Magic: Part 2

Lessons from a Month of Seeking Magic: Part 2

If you asked me why I started to do a month of seeking magic, I would tell you it was because I was craving magic in my daily life. If you asked why I ventured outdoors for daily walks without distractions of music or going outside during times I knew my neighbourhood would be busy, I don’t know if I would have had the best description for the most scientific, thought out, well-rounded answer. The truth would have been, ‘because that’s what I felt I needed’, which may sound equal parts vague and mystical.

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Prayer of Examen to Start a New Month

Prayer of Examen to Start a New Month

Reflecting on the past month through intentional questions, flipping through the pages of my Passion Planner and journal, and setting areas of focus for the next month, has become a ritual each new month would feel incomplete without.

If you follow me on Instagram, you’re probably familiar with seeing me cross out the words ‘improve on’ and write above ‘intentionally focus on’ as I complete the monthly reflection in my passion planner. Being intentional about how I spend my time (and the language I use to reflect and set into motion things for the upcoming days, weeks and month) is a key way to ensure I don’t get lost in time; thinking I have so much of it available or feeling like there isn’t any. It’s how I ensure my priorities are set and maintained and my time divvied up to all the places that matter most.

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God WITH us (when life is messy)
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God WITH us (when life is messy)

A couple of weekends ago I had the privilege of hearing Kate Bowler speak.

How beautiful to hear someone speak so openly about hardship, grief, imperfection, and the general messiness of life.

So often we are told things like 'life is hard but we have Jesus'. I think when we hear that, we often interpret it as; 'life is hard but you should hide the hard bits or how it's impacting you because the only thing that matters is that you have Jesus and that trumps the very human experience you are having and you should focus on Jesus and not what you're going through.'

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