When Your Heart Is Full

Do you ever get that feeling like your heart is full-- there’s a smile on your face that just won’t fade and your heart actually feels like it has expanded?

This past weekend gave me this feeling and it leaves me searching for the words to say to appropriately describe the goodness of the moments I’ve experienced. When it comes down to it, all I can really say is, ‘God is good’. There are three things in particular that are giving this full-heart feeling right now and I want to share the profound simplicity of them with you today.


1- Feeling Known.

Feeling truly known is something I desired for so long without really being able to put my finger on what it was. I’m generally known as the unicorn who loves cats who is always passionate about something different that I am actively pursuing. This generalized statement isn’t wrong, but it’s a surface, Instagram level kind of known that anyone could tell you. There’s this lovely feeling of being known that comes from having conversations with people who take note of the things you say, who store them away for safekeeping until the time comes when they can reference the pages of your authenticity to craft a word or a gift to be given to you. It’s special, it’s unique and it gives you that feeling of being cared about, of being listened to and that you matter. God knows us in the depths of our heart, soul, mind and strength and, although no one in the world will ever know us how God does, it’s beautiful when someone can apply their knowledge of you so thoughtfully that you get a taste of how God must know you and execute His existence in your life.

This past weekend was my workplace Christmas parties. The Secret Santa gift exchange (as well as additional gift giving) proved to be a time of overwhelming heart-work as God revealed that feeling of being known through those who gave me creative gifts that spoke to how they know me. Gifts that proved they listen, they care, and they made note of the little things over time I spoke of. This is mostly how I execute gift giving and it was beautiful to feel it reciprocated more than just by my wonderful husband but by others whom I work with. From essential oils to vegan candy, mini light for my first yoga class, candles, movies and custom made mugs, it wasn’t the items that mattered by the intention behind each one that made the moments of unwrapping memorable.

To be known is a beautiful thing-- something I plan to write about more as the year's pass. 

2. Sharing Your Truth.

When I was at immersion for my Holy Yoga training is when the idea of Hope + Heart (although nameless at the time) came. The idea of a Christmas experience incorporating the most influential moments of my immersion was exciting and, with every piece coming together through moments of meditation and prayer, I really felt like it was going to be a special experience. I was blown away with 18 people took a chance on a brand new experience and signed up for Hope + Heart: A Christmas Holy Yoga Experience. It was an intentionally crafted experience including playlist, scripture study, a fun flow that could be as calm or fiery as you wanted to make it and an anointing and guided meditation where those who attended allowed God to displace their darkness of despair with the radiating light of Hope of Jesus and the promises of God.

People who I didn’t even know came and enjoying faith-based yoga, shed tears, felt the intentionality of the experience and have even shared with me how they enjoyed their experience. When a woman from my Holy Yoga Immersion small group shared in our “Holy Yoga Warrior Sisters” chat shared words today and encouraged us to pick one that resonated with us, the word Empowered stood out. Hope + Heart empowered those who attended to step into the truth of how Yoga can be FOR God and an expression of worship, empowered them to have conversations and share their experience and has empowered me to continue to search for space and bring more Holy Yoga to my community.

When I arrived home from teaching, my husband even said that I was glowing and the Lord knows how good it feels to be overwhelmed with His goodness. 

3. Church at Christmas.

I love Church in general, but Church at Christmas is my favourite. Today’s church service included a 10 minute reading of the Christmas story complete with beautiful background music and engaging lights that brought the story to life. The song after was, of course, one that always gets me “I Am Who You Say I Am”. Between the Christmas carols, the experience of Hope + Heart the night before and being reminded of how infinitely God knows each and every part of us, I was just in awe of the goodness of God and the unreal hope and beauty of this time of year.

If you're looking for a Church to attend this year on Christmas Eve or the Sunday before, Oasis has 4 services on Christmas Eve at 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm and 5 pm. Come celebrate Christmas with us! To learn more click here.

I hope that wherever you find yourself today, you’re able to take a time out to just bask in the goodness that is the all around you. If life is trying and you feel like you’re searching for the good, just the simple act of acknowledging the birth of Jesus and the hope that came for all upon this act can begin to tune your heart into the goodness that is all around us if we slow down enough to see it.  May your hearts overflow with joy this holiday season and may the magic of Christmas be kept alive in your heart throughout the year. 


My Theme for 2019


Hope + Heart