Soul Nourishing Practice: Praying in Colour

Remember when adult colouring books were all the rage?

If you're unfamiliar, it was probably about 10 years ago now that adults everywhere flooded bookstores to find colouring books filled with pages of often very detailed, intricate and whimsical designs, with the intention of inviting people to slow down, to experience low-stakes creativity, and to find a sense of childlike freedom of expression. While the trend may not be as viral as it once was, adult colouring books are here to stay, along with adult watercolour painting books, yarn craft kids for adults, and more.While these creative outlets teach us many things, including inviting us into our inherent creativity with humanity as creators ourselves, they invite us to think differently, engage in play, and perhaps even find the methodic rhythm of what we are creating to allow us to enter into a flow state, letting time slip by as we find ourselves fully engaged in the present moment.

Praying in Colour is an activity that engages a similar flow state as we intentionally turn off our 'doing' mode, and turn on our 'listening' mode of prayer. Doodling as you pray, creating shapes and patterns, filling them in with colours, gives you something to do with your hands, body, and eyes, while you practice silent listening with God.

Praying in Colour can take many forms, from praying for others while you colour then offering your piece to the person as a gift, to prayers of gratitude, despair, to-do list prayers, and even praying scripture. While there are many forms of praying in colour to explore, today I will share a simple practice you can do anytime that only requires paper and any form of colouring utensils you have (paint, pencil crayons, crayons, pens, etc). 

Praying in Colour | What you need:

  • A piece of paper

  • Pencil crayons, crayons, markers, coloured pens

  • A set time. 15 - 20 minutes is a great start! 

  • Settle In + Acknowledge the Loving Presence of God

After you've gathered your supplies, take a few moments to settle in. Find somewhere comfortable and quiet to engage in your practice. It can tempting to want to turn on music, but resist. Be intentional with this being a time of silence to hear from God. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Acknowledge the Loving Presence of God here with you. 

  • Name of God

What is a name for God that feels most inviting to you? There's no right or wrong answer. Just notice if there a name for God that feels most personal and authentic to you today.

Below is a list of names that is non-exhaustive but perhaps can get spur an idea or guide you to what name of God would suit you and your practice today:

God, Author, Alpha, Christ, Creator, Counsellor, Beloved, Burden-Bearer, Companion, Divine, Deliverer, Emmanuel, El Roi, Encourager, Father, Friend, Foundation, Guide, Guardian, Giver, Gardener, Holy One, Healer, Helper, Holy Spirit, Home, I AM, Indwelling, Instructor, Jesus, King, Keeper, Lord, Love, Listener, Messiah, Most High, Majesty, Morning Star, Mother, Nourisher, Near To Me, Overcomer, Price of Peace, Protector, Provider, Pastor, Prayer Hearer, Potter, Queller-Of-Storms, Quietness, Redeemer, Refiner, Refuge, Radiant, Renewer, Ruler, Restorer, Rest, Servant, Saviour, Spirit, Sun, Shield, Strong, Sower, Seeker, Song, Teacher, Truth, Trinity, Trustworthy, Uplifter, Upholder, Unfailing, Vine, Vision, Voice, Victory, Way, Word, Wisdom, Well-Spring, Wise, Yahweh, Yokefellow.As you settle on a name, repeat it yourself as you inhale and as you exhale for 5 to 10 breaths, allowing the name of God to become your prayer and the place you settle back in when distractions arise during your prayer practice. 

  • Write the Name of God

In the middle of your page, in any colours and font style that you desire, perhaps in a way that represents what this name of God means to you, write the name of God on the page. It doesn't matter how big or small, how condensed or spaced out it is. Allow it to flow from you like your prayer.

  • Doodle

Begin to doodle around the name with various colours and shapes, letting what comes out of you be an expression of your prayer of the name of God. And, take moments to listen. Notice if you feel prompted to use a certain colour or draw a certain shape. Consider that the Spirit might be inviting you to express. Continue breathing, repeating the name of God, doodling, and colouring. If a verbal prayer pops into your mind, either take a moment to pray them or write them down. Enjoy this quiet time with God.

If you're feeling stuck and don't know what to draw, or if you feel like you need to doodle a masterpiece, I offer you this little doodle sheet with a few ideas for shapes and filler that you can use. Lines, circles, stars-- there's no right or wrong! This is a personal prayer between you and God. Let it it be what it will be.

  • Gratitude

As your time with God comes to an end, offer a moment of gratitude to God for being with you, for loving you, for knowing you at your depths where words fall short, and for the gift of creating as a way of connecting with God. Share with God how the experience was for you, and take a moment to consider how this experience of prayer might have been for God, too. 

My prayer for you as you engage in the practice of Praying in Colour is to expand your idea of what prayer is. Prayer is an ocean; it is deep with many forms of prayer to experience and engage with. We can often approach prayer from a comparative stance, viewing more common forms of prayer as better or superior, than the forms we practice less often. Allow praying in colour to expand your idea of what prayer is, and allow it to invite a new way of connecting to God into your prayer tool belt.


Sacred Ordinary Recap