The Blog ✨ The Blog ✨T he Blog ✨ The Blog ✨

The Blog ✨ The Blog ✨T he Blog ✨ The Blog ✨

From Soul Nourishing Resources, to Event Re-Caps, Musings, Teachings, and more, The Blog is an abundant source of inspiration and information for you to explore.

Seek Truth

Seek Truth

Taking on the Masters Program by Holy Yoga this year has been an adventure. Once I completed my 225-hour training in November of 2018, I knew I had just scratched the surface and I was immediately drawn to taking the Masters program. The Masters program is a 300-hour training the full duration of the year. Each class takes us a little bit deeper into understanding God, scripture, yoga, spiritual disciplines, and so so so much more. It feels like that popular quote, 'the more you learn, the less you know' as you are opened up to so many concepts and ideas and theories that make you want to freeze time so you can continue to learn.

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When I sat down to write this blog post about NOURISH: A Holy Yoga Class + Zero Waste Brunch I was immediately overwhelmed with my own personal work that happened on my yoga mat in preparation for the yoga portion of the class. I spent a solid hour (and took over the google doc titled Nourish Blog) and used it as a personal time to journal; to write about my own unravelling and seeking Nourishment on my mat the week leading up the event, the unwinding of my own story that led me to place of surrender and tears on my yoga mat while the playlist for the class moved me to worship. The writing was therapeutic, as always, and helped me process the moments on the mat that went to form the experience I brought to those who attended Nourish.

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Yoga Teacher, Gospel Preacher
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Yoga Teacher, Gospel Preacher

"You're a yoga teacher, gospel preacher."

Those were the words spoken to us during our 'graduation' on our final night of immersion week as part of our 225 hour Holy Yoga teacher certification. Before that declaration was a stream of words spoken by one of our leaders that only God knew would reach the depths of each of our hearts as the words articulated the truths we most needed to hear, the encouragement to stay the path once returning home, and the confidence to stand in the truth of who we are even when we so often forget. Each member of my small group had a different divinely inspired word spoke over them and mine was just as special and unique as each of the others...

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