The Blog ✨ The Blog ✨T he Blog ✨ The Blog ✨
The Blog ✨ The Blog ✨T he Blog ✨ The Blog ✨
From Soul Nourishing Resources, to Event Re-Caps, Musings, Teachings, and more, The Blog is an abundant source of inspiration and information for you to explore.
Common Misconceptions about Spiritual Direction
What IS spiritual direction; Do you just tell me what to do? Will you just answer all my questions about faith and God? Do I just ask you all my big questions and you tell me the answers or tell me how to find the answers? Do you share your faith experience with me and guide me along the same path? Do you make me believe what you believe? Do we need to have the same theological background or belong to the same church?
Spiritual Direction, Therapy/Counselling, and Life Coaching
When we first hear the words spiritual direction, and perhaps begin to engage in a conversation about this practice with others, questions of how it fits into a spectrum of care offerings emerges. Is it similar to life coaching but specifically about your spiritual life? Is it like going to counselling or therapy, but with your faith as the lens everything is filtered through?
Why have a spiritual companion?
There is an old celtic phrase that is said to have originated in Irish monasticism where it was applied to a monk’s teacher, companion, or spiritual guide. The heart of the phrase has its origins back even further to the early Desert Fathers and Desert Mothers where "This capacity for friendship and ability to read other people's hearts became the basis of the desert elders' effectiveness as spiritual guides." -Edward C. Sellner
Soul Nourishing Practice: Breath Prayer
When we contrast the involuntary act of breathing with the intentional act of prayer, it can feel like the two are separate planets in the solar system of our lives. But, what happens if we combine the two? What happens if we take the natural rhythm of the breath we often don’t think about, and intentionally sync it with prayer? The worlds collide for a practice that is accessible anywhere you find yourself, with no extra tools required, boasting benefits for your mental, physical, and spiritual wellness.
Aligned + Designed Reflections
As with everything I create and put out into the world, I like to take time to sit in both the afterglow and the reality of a few days past to reflect on what unfolded. Reflecting on the logistics of how it all came together, reflecting on the day of happenings, reflecting on the marketing, the 'what could be better next time' and the 'what lessons have I learned?'.
The other night, while going to bed early, an annoying point of tension in my back had me feeling restless and, while trying to ignore it and get comfortable, a few words started to flow through my mind...