Challenge: Ethical Christmas

Putting the words 'Ethical' and 'Christmas' together is quitethe statement. From a faith-based perspective, this simple phrase would haveone epic meaning! From a live-my-life-without-slavery perspective, it can takeon another. I believe the two go hand in hand to create a holiday season thatremembers why we celebrate to begin with, and allows that remembrance andcelebration to flow into how we purchase the goodies for our festivities.
I’m currently going through a series for Advent by She Reads Truth called Emmanuel. One of my favourite parts about the series is the daily“Advent Action.” Each day, after reading scripture and the accompanyingdevotion, you pray, then are given an Advent Action to perform. These actionsare anything from listening to a meaningful song (O Come, O Come, Emmanuelbeing one of them) to baking a loaf of bread and writing meaningful letters tofriends. Each action is meant to help you reflect and internalize what you read and learn as we lead up to the momentous occasion of celebrating thebirth of Jesus.
(Side note: Does anyone remember, as a kid, people being all“there was no snow when Jesus was born so he obviously wasn’t born in December?”Oh a child’s view of 'rational' thinking haha)
The enjoyable advent actions from She Reads Truth haveinspired me to come up with my own set of actions for you to complete to assist you have a holiday season that is positive in every way. While you take time toconsider the amazing story of the birth of Jesus and what that truly means tous, I hope these actions will ensure you take that most meaningful momentand allow the love-filled sentiment to overflow into how you shop and celebratethis holiday season.
Action #1 – Read
Who doesn’t love stories—especially at Christmas?!?! 
I knowI do! Enter into the scene; my love of just about every Christmas movie. 
Take some time to readthe story of the birth of Jesus. It is amazing how Mary was all 'about-to-pop' pregnant,ridding to Bethlehem on a donkey, and gave birth to our savior in a stable. It’sa story that makes you go “This is ridiculous” in an amazing andincredible way. 
The fact slavery still exists makes you go “This is ridiculous” butin a whole different way. It’s not in the positive, awe-inducing passion the story ofJesus awakes inside of us. It’s in a negative ‘I’m amazed this still exists’kind of way. Reading stories of individuals who have been caught in variousforms of modern day slavery can help open your eyes to the reality manyindividuals are living in this exact moment. Read books like ‘Not For Sale’ byDavid Batstone, ‘Where Am I Wearing?’ by Kelsey Timmerman and ‘DisposablePeople’ by Kevin Bales.
Action #2 – Share
As soon as I started reading the Advent series by She ReadsTruth I thought of a number of folks who would also love the series. I textedmy mom, told a friend and even shared my enthusiasm with a co-worker. Whensomething affects you, you feel the need to share with those around you. As youread stories about human trafficking and slavery, share the information with those youencounter. I know, I know, you don’t want to be the Debbie Downer at the staffChristmas party, at your family gathering, or while chilling with friends. Noone wants to be ‘that’ person. How’s this for a suggestion, when people ask youwhat you’ve been doing lately, simply say you’ve been learning a lot abouthuman trafficking and slavery, and share one of the stories you have learnedalong the way. Keep the positivity up by telling them of organizations,even those where you live, that are doing amazing things to address thesituation!
Action #3 – Give
Give a gift of meaning. We all know people explore stores,seeking out epic gifts for those they love. Not to toot my own horn oranything, but while out and about visiting Ikea for my very first time ever, Istumbled upon a gift for my husband... which is AWESOME! It was a magical unexpectedmoment—the gift was not in my plan of items to give him, but this specialsurprise was something I couldn’t pass up! We all know part of the joy ofshopping over the holiday season is finding the perfect gift, the hunt instores or online, and knowing you will give the gift of glee to the recipient!When you give, give responsibly. Did you know that ethical chocolate DOES exist?Even stores like Target have fair-trade options! Instead of heading for thefestive-and-probably-on-sale-shaped-like-Santa chocolate, head for a smartpurchase of delicious chocolate, which supports individuals who are striving tolive a life of dignity! Aiming to buy someone a cozy sweater, generic socks andunderwear, or something trendy? Check out Free2Work and see what clothingcompanies are doing things right and commit to shop there this season. It canbe hard to remember that quality trumps quantity when money can be tight andthe reality of having many people to purchase for is dimming out your shiny festivespirit. Remember, no matter how enticing a deal can be, the phrase “steal of adeal” can also mean your purchase is stealing freedom from the individual whois making it.  While shopping for myhusband, I did his clothing purchases at H&M. As a company with a B+ rating,I can feel as jolly as Santa when giving him his gifts!
At this time of year in 2012, I was arriving home from astint with Not For Sale as part of their Fellowship program. It was an amazingexperience, which has transformed my life. While with Not For Sale, I helpedcreate this lovely Free2Work Shopping Guide. While this version is a year old,it still gives some helpful points to keep you in check while shopping thisHoliday season!!!
As faith-based Christmas Cards, inspirational songs, andyour Church may be reminding you, keep in mind the “Reason for the Season.”Allow that awe-inspiring, hope-filled joy to infiltrate every part of yourfestivities this holiday season. For God SO loved the world he gave his onlySon… As we are called to Love others with the same Love Christ has for us, letus not forget that people create the things we often purchase during this timeof year. Loving those individuals means taking time todo our research, allowing that research to turn us into a conscious consumer,and use our purchasing power to support companies that show Love to those theyemploy.

Wishing you the merriest of Christmases! Stay warm, feel jolly,and spend time with those you love!
**For more information on modern day slavery, and for more ways to challenge yourself to an ethical life, check out Challenge: Ethical Easter and Challenge: Ethical Halloween

Positive Goal Setting


Challenge: Ethical Halloween