Positive Goal Setting

Image from Justina Blakeney
Oh, hey 2014.
I saw you sauntering towards us as we were nearing the endof our time hanging out with 2013. You were kindly waiting for us to finish ourepic session before you took your turn with us—I appreciate that, you’re sokind.
So, what’s up? Are you happy to be here? I am sure glad youshowed up. I enjoyed 2013 quite a bit—a lot of changes, opportunities,challenges resulting in growth and a lot to be thankful for. Many blessings areworth reflecting on, and I fondly look back at the wonderful moments of 2013.But, 2014, I am excited you’re here.
I’m not sure what 2014 will hold, but I do know it is in myhands with how I am going to shape it. I could leave it is as is, no ideas onhow to shape it, leaving it flat—with no desires, goals, or excitement mixedwith moments of calm and contentment changing it to mountains on my palms…
But I want those mountains.
While my wonderful husband and I were casually discussing2014 on the last day of 2013 over Thai food, I asked what he is most lookingforward to in 2013. I love asking questions like these. It’s probably acombination of my radio-dj-interviewer background, mixed with my genuineinterest in my significant other and how I always thought being a counselorwould be nifty. I like asking questions that make people think and examinethemselves. My answer to the question returned to me is simply that I amlooking forward to ‘overcoming the challenges’. An answer such as mine requiresat least a bit of an explanation—I think it’s safe to say enjoying an actualchallenge is difficult. I welcome a new challenge knowing I will overcome itand will have learned lessons, grown personally, and come out better for it. Soit’s not the challenge itself I am looking forward to (or, let’s be honest,challenges—since I know there will be many), but I am looking forward to whathappens after you overcome—the other side, which is accomplishment and furtherknowledge, gained.
I don’t know if I necessarily think the idea of ‘New YearsResolutions’ work—especially if they are decided on a whim and are not plannedout. (That being said, I have totally made resolutions in the past where theend of the year is the first time I look at them again and I really haveaccomplished some.) I do believe in having goals. Goals for 2014 are great tohave—and although I won’t be sharing my “how-to achieve your goals” guide onhere (as it varies by individual), I am going to share with you a few of mygeneral goals for the what is sure to be a remarkable 2014.
This is how I start my goal setting for the year.
These may seem generic to you, but I have visions of where Iwant to see them go and a few steps for how to see those made real in thepresent. One thing I truly believe is how a positive view is always moreeffective than a negative view. Example; I have on my list ‘Give More’. That isa positive statement. That is more uplifting and inspiring than reading ‘Workon Being Less-Selfish’ or flat out ‘Stop Being Selfish’. When you read thosemore negative statements, your mind automatically draws ideas of what thenegative is like—You think of how you are being selfish, the way being selfishmakes you feel, and generally all other negative emotions. When you read ‘GiveMore’ you are automatically brought into a positive mindset—it motivates you,gives you ideas and uplifts you to feeling the potential the statement holds.
As Mother Teresa said;

“I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-wardemonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have apro-peace rally, I'll be there.”

I challenge you to write your goals, resolutions, or dreamsin a positive manner. You’ll feel encouraged, ready for the challenge, and yourmind will already be thinking of the amazing ways you can accomplish what youhave written down. Believe me, it is amazing what being ‘pro’ instead of ‘anti’can do.
Goals for 2014
- Give More
- Love More
- Serve More
- Gain Self-Confidence and, within that, 
Achieve a RealisticView-Point on Physical Wellness
- More God
- Blog Regularly
- Collaborate
- Strengthen My Marriage
This is just the beginning of the year and as the minutesturn into hours, hours to days, days to weeks and weeks to months, it is guaranteedthese general goals will become refined, defined and challenged. I welcome allof those. As I get older, and as time passing arrives with mixed feelings, thisyear I will welcome the change of seasons and availability of the time I findmyself blessed with. I will accept how not everything happens ‘over-night’ andmy goals for 2014 are truly that—goals set for the course of the year, designedto be accomplished only as the time passes and brings us closer to 2015.

Be brave, display courage, seek guidance from God, lovewithout abandon and know you have the ability to accomplish more than you everthought possible.

**Other things I will be doing to set up my year in a positive mindset will be shared later on the blog so keep checking back!**

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