The Blog ✨ The Blog ✨T he Blog ✨ The Blog ✨

The Blog ✨ The Blog ✨T he Blog ✨ The Blog ✨

From Soul Nourishing Resources, to Event Re-Caps, Musings, Teachings, and more, The Blog is an abundant source of inspiration and information for you to explore.

My Theme for 2019
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My Theme for 2019

Instead of goals for the year I’ve chosen a theme. I’ve been doing this since at least 2014 and it has been such a beautiful way to set an intention for my year. I write the word out in gold calligraphy and frame it on my desk so I see it often— a constant reminder of the kind of person I aspire to be and where I want to focus during the year.

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When Your Heart Is Full
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When Your Heart Is Full

Do you ever get that feeling like your heart is full-- there’s a smile on your face that just won’t fade and your heart actually feels like it has expanded?

This past weekend gave me this feeling and it leaves me searching for the words to say to appropriately describe the goodness of the moments I’ve experienced. When it comes down to it, all I can really say is, ‘God is good’. There are three things in particular that are giving this full-heart feeling right now and I want to share the profound simplicity of them with you today.

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Yoga Teacher, Gospel Preacher
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Yoga Teacher, Gospel Preacher

"You're a yoga teacher, gospel preacher."

Those were the words spoken to us during our 'graduation' on our final night of immersion week as part of our 225 hour Holy Yoga teacher certification. Before that declaration was a stream of words spoken by one of our leaders that only God knew would reach the depths of each of our hearts as the words articulated the truths we most needed to hear, the encouragement to stay the path once returning home, and the confidence to stand in the truth of who we are even when we so often forget. Each member of my small group had a different divinely inspired word spoke over them and mine was just as special and unique as each of the others...

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FEATURED: Prairie Love Festival 2018

FEATURED: Prairie Love Festival 2018

I am so excited to be leading a Speakeasy Workshop at Prairie Love Festival this year!

When I first became a life coach, I knew I wanted the opportunity to work with people in both 1:1 coaching situations, but also in group sessions where I allowed a group the space to sit, reflect, and be challenged by questions that help them reframe their current ideas or dive deep into what truths they are holding close that may, or may not be, serving them.

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