Love + Light

When I first started dreaming up a Christmas class for 2020, I had imagined gathering in person, perhaps around the warmth of a fireplace, soft white lights glowing while the smell of mulled apple cider danced through the room. It was ideas of praying for each other while doing an ornament exchange and moving and breathing in unison while being physically distanced as protocols called for. As restrictions changed I changed what I thought would be possible until the reality set in-- to host a Christmas experience would be to do so virtually.

Hosting online classes virtually through Zoom has been such a gift.

Before covid, I had been teaching privately only and didn't have any public offering for people to attend. I shifted my private classes online and one went public and now I consider it such a gift to be able to hold space for you wherever you find yourself. As much as a gift online has been, there is such deep sentiment to holding an in-person Christmas class-- when I first completed my 225-hour yoga teacher training, the first class I bravely hosted was Hope + Heart: a Christmas Holy Yoga Experience back in 2018.

This year, Love + Light was going to feel like a redeeming of what never came to full fruition last year. During a tough season of being one who loves Jesus and the discipline of yoga, I shrunk. I got small. I hid. I didn't know how to use my voice because I was being told I was using it wrong. A time that usually felt so joyful and was full of so much excitement for what would be a second annual Christmas class turned out to be a class I posted about on an Instagram story once before it took place. In this space of a year, there has been growth. There has been learning. There has been grace. There have been shifts and then, there is where we find ourselves now... embracing the same title that was so quickly darkened last year while bringing it to new light in an online world for this Christmas season...

At Christmastime, we celebrate the arrival of the Light of the World. A world filled with darkness was boldly illuminated when Jesus arrived and the light He brought declared Hope, Peace, Joy and Love for all of humankind.

During the Christmas season, we light a candle every Sunday to reflect on the light that shines to this day and will shine forevermore.

Join me for Love + Light - a Christmas Holy Yoga Experience where we intentionally slow down, move our bodies, breathe, meditate and reflect on the four themes of advent; Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. Each theme will invite us into scripture meditation, movement and reflection on the eternal impact each bring with it for us and the world.

This 2-hour online experience will also include a time of connection and conversation. And, all who attend will be gifted a PDF which will include a few holiday favourites including recipes, questions for personal reflection during the Christmas season and as we end 2020, a Christmas playlist and more!

There are two ticket options available:

$25 - standard ticket per person.

$45 - purchasing this ticket will allow me to gift this class to someone who would love to attend but who isn’t financially able to. Thank you for your generosity this holiday season!


$5 from each ticket will be donated to Live Different.

Turn on the lights of your Christmas tree, light your fireplace, put on some cozy clothes you can move it, grab your journal, prepare a warm cup of tea and let’s prepare our hearts to be left in wonder of the Love and Light of this advent season.

"Once more Jesus addressed the crowd. He said, “I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” - John 8:12

I am so looking forward to holding space for you this advent season.

Click here to grab your tickets.


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